Welcome to the third step in our free self-paced course designed to help you set up your own personal or professional educator blog!

The aim of this step is to:

  1. Help you understand how posts are used on personal blogs.
  2. Provide tips for writing effective posts.
  3. Teach you how to publish your first posts.

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Introduction to posts

Your posts are where you’ll publish your main content such as your reflections, what you’ve learned, and information you want to share with others. They are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order with the most recent post at the top of the page.

By default, your home page is your blog post page and this is where you’ll see your new posts published.

If you look closely at a post you will see it is normally made up of:

  1. Post Title — tells the reader what the post is about. A great post title grabs the readers attention and is more likely to encourage them to read your post.
  2. Date published — all posts display the date a post was published. You’ll normally see this displayed at the top of the post.
  3. Written by — most themes display the name of the post author. Your username is automatically displayed unless you’ve changed your display name.
  4. Your post content — this is the main information that you want to share or reflect on. It could be a mixture of text, links, images, videos etc.
  5. Comments — all themes have a link to comments. This is where your readers can click to write a comment in response to your post. Comments allow readers to engage in discussions, share their thoughts, and connect with your blog.
  6. Categories — are used to help readers locate posts on your blog. Categories are often used like chapters of a book; they provide a general overview of the topics you blog about.
  7. Tags — are used to help readers locate posts on your blog. Tags are more like the index at the back of the book and explode the topic into a million bits.

Anatomy of a post

Watch this video to learn more about pages vs posts.

Here’s a quick summary of the difference between posts and pages.

Posts vs Pages

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Who publishes the posts?

If you look closely at educator blogs you’ll see some are group blogs where several individuals publish posts on the blog, while on other blogs the posts are published by just one educator.

Individual educator blogs are more common because most people are more motivated to post on their own blog due to personal ownership.

The Connected Principals, Two Writing Teachers, and The Edublogger are examples of group blogs. You can check out other group blogs here!

Here are examples of personal educator blogs:

Find more examples of educator blogs here.

Watch this video by Steve Wheeler on 3 Things you need to know about blogging!

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Examples of posts on personal educator blogs

So what do you publish as posts on your blog?  Your reflections, what you’ve learned, how-tos, resources, and cool information  — there’s so much you can share!

Often, posts on professional educator blogs are either about sharing thoughts, sharing professional practice, sharing resources, or sharing news.

Examples of sharing thoughts on professional educator blogs:

Examples of sharing professional practice on educator blogs:

Examples of sharing resources on educator blogs:

Examples of sharing news on educator blogs:

Starting out your posts don’t have to be perfect — blogging is a work in progress!

The key is to take the first steps! Here’s my very first post ever — if I never wrote my first posts I wouldn’t be here helping you today!

Check out this A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging by Sacha Chua.

2014-02-13 A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging – Summary of 10 blogging excuses and how to work around them by Sacha Chua licensed under Creative Commons

Blog Post Ideas

Look for specific ideas of what you can write about? Check out The Edublogger’s 50 blog topics and prompts for teachers.

50 Topics and Prompts to Inspire Educators to Blog Edublogs

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How to publish a new post

(Scroll down to find a PDF summary)

You publish a post as follows:

1.  Go to Posts > Add New.

Add New

2.  Give your post a title and add your content.

Add your content

3.  Add your tags and categories (learn about categories and tags here).

Add your categories

4.  When finished writing click Publish.

Click Publish

5.  Presto! Your post will now display on your blog so others can read!

Previewing your Draft

Before you publish your post it is a good idea to use the preview option to see what it looks like to your readers.

You preview a post by clicking on Save Draft and then click Preview. This opens up a draft version of your post in a new tab.


Then just go back to your draft and make any changes you want!

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Intro to Visual Editor

The area where you write your post is by default in Visual Editing mode which uses WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) option for formatting.

It works similar to any word processing software.

Simply write your post, highlight any text you want to format and then click the appropriate button in the toolbar to add formatting such as bold, italics, or numbered list.

The Toolbar toggle icon is used to view the advanced formatting options including heading styles, underlining, font color, custom characters, undo, redo.

You switch between Visual Editing mode and HTML editing mode by clicking on the Visual or Text tab.

Visual Editor

Below is a quick video tutorial on the visual editor.

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PDF Cheat Sheet: Writing Posts

This PDF guide summarizes how to write a post. Save it to your computer or print it off. You’ll find the ‘download’ button under the document.

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Tips for writing better blog posts

Reading online is different from reading in text on paper.

The easier to read and more engaging your posts are, the more likely they’ll be read and the better your message will be conveyed.

Here are some tips to help you write better posts on personal blogs:

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1. Use attention grabbing titles

Titles on blog posts are like titles on books. The better the title, the more it’ll grab the attention of readers and the greater the chance people will read what you’ve written.

Captivating and intriguing titles draw readers every time. Back that with a well written post and you can’t lose.

For further tips on writing post titles, refer to Seven Easy Ways to Write Better Titles for Your Blog Posts by Ali Luke.

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2.  Use short paragraphs

Posts with really long paragraphs are harder to read online.

Here are some quick tips:

  • Break your posts up with paragraphs.
  • The more paragraphs the better.
  • Short paragraphs are better than long.
  • If you need to make some paragraphs one or two sentences long so they are visually easier to read online then do it!
  • Start each paragraph strong and encourage the reader to read on.

Varying your sentence length is also a powerful strategy, as demonstrated here by Gary Provost.Gary Provost demonstrates how varying sentence length is effective

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3.  Use Headings

Use headings, and, where appropriate, bullet points or numbered lists, to break up the post into manageable bite-sized chunks.

To create a heading you simply:

  1. Highlight the text you want to change into a heading
  2. Select the Heading Style you want to apply from the advanced formatting toolbar (you access the advanced formatting toolbar by clicking on the Toolbar toggle icon). Heading 1 is your post title. Start at Heading 2, then Heading 3 for sub-headings under that and so on.
  3. Preview your post to make sure that headings you’ve used have broken your post into manageable chunks

Heading style

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4.  Remember to Link

Failing to link is one of the biggest mistakes made by new bloggers.

Linking to articles, websites, or other blogger’s post when you write about them is an important part of blogging.

Your readers want to be able to easily check out the information without needing to use Google.

Links are the building blocks of the web.

When you link, you are:

  1. Crediting those who inspired your post.
  2. Making it easy for readers to check out resources and information for themselves.
  3. Building community, continuation of the conversation, and reciprocity.

It’s good blogging etiquette to link to:

  1. A person’s blog if you mention a blogger
  2. The post if you are talking about a particular post on a blog
  3. Website or article if mentioned in your post

Here is how to add a link:

1.  Copy the URL of the website you want to link to.

Copy link

2.  In the post you’re writing, highlight the text you want to link.

Highlight text

3.  Paste the URL you copied directly over the highlighted text using a keyboard shortcut like CTRL V (PC) or CMD V (Mac).

4.  The link is automatically created. The highlighted text now appears underlined and is blue to confirm it is linked.

Paste link

When you view your post you should now see the text is now linked in the post. Remember to check the URL you added is linking properly!

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5.  Enhance posts with images and media

When you look at personal blogs, you’ll notice bloggers enhance their posts with images and other types of media including videos and by embedding online tools.

We’ll show you how this is done later in this professional learning series on blogging.

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Read more tips for making your blog posts easier to read.

10 Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Easier to Read Infographic Edublogs

Commonly asked post questions

Here are answers to commonly asked questions we receive into Edublogs Support:

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1.  What does the ‘Not found’ message on my homepage mean?

By default, the front page of your blog is set to display your latest posts.

If you delete the default “Hello World’ post before you publish a new post, then your front page will display ‘Nothing Found’, ’404 – Not Found Error’ or something similar depending on the theme you are using.

This message is displayed because there is nothing to display on your front page.

Not found message

All you need to do is go to Posts > Add New and publish a new post.

Once the new post is published, you’ll see it displayed on your homepage.

You’ll find more detailed step-by-step instructions on how to fix a Not Found message here.

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2.  How do you delete the Hello World Post?

Every newly created blog has the same default layout with posts displayed on its home page with a ‘Hello World’ post and a ‘Sample’ page.

You can delete this post at any time by going to Posts > All Posts.  

Hovering your mouse over the title of the Hello World post brings up four action links.

Now just click on Trash. This sends it to your Trash folder where it is permanently deleted within 30 days of when you trashed it.

Trash post

Remember, if you delete all posts, and your homepage is your blog post page, you will see a ‘Not Found’ message.

To remove that message, you just need to publish a new post by going to Posts > Add New.

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3.  How do I change font type and size?

We’re often asked how to change the font type and size in posts. This is really easy to do.

Just go to plugins and activate the Supreme Google Webfonts plugin.

Now when writing your post, you just highlight the text you want to change and then select the font family or font size from the drop-down menu that has been added to your advanced formatting toolbar in your visual editor.

Google Web fonts

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4.  Is it possible to publish posts to different pages on my blog?

We’re often asked if it is possible to add posts to other pages, rather than just the front page of the blog. This is commonly asked by educators who want to use one blog for multiple classes or subjects. Some teachers use this approach on their personal blog if they are setting up an ePortfolio to document their skills.

And yes you can! But it does involve slightly advanced blogging skills.

You do it by sending posts to different pages on your blog by assigning different categories to posts, based on the class or subject, and using a custom menu to create links to the categories from your top navigation. When students and parents click on their category they’re taken to all the posts for that class or subject. Check out Mr. Cartlidge’s Science Blog to see how it works.

You’ll find step by step instructions on using categories to organize multiple classes or subjects on your blog here.

We’ve set up a demo blog to show you it in action. When you click on the Geography link in the top navigation of our demo blog you are taken to all posts assigned the category Geography.

If you look at the AITSL Standards sub-menu on Paul Huebl’s blog you’ll see he has used this approach on his personal blog.

Remember, it does involve slightly advanced blogging skills — so leave a comment or email us at Edublogs Support if you need our assistance.

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Your Task

We’d like you to add your voice and ideas to our ongoing conversation about blogging by undertaking one or more of these tasks:

  1. Video reflection: Watch this video by Steve Wheeler on 3 Things you need to know about blogging. Leave a comment to share what you learned from watching Steve’s video.
  2. What’s has been your excuse? Look through A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging Slideshare by Sacha Chua. What resonates most with you? What has your biggest obstacle been in the past? Tell us in a comment.
  3. Write a post: Check out the post examples listed above and then publish your first post. Leave a link to your first post in a comment so we can have a look at how you went.
  4. Blog post style: Do you think your blog will include more posts that are thoughts, professional practice, resources, or news? Or maybe you will include a mixture? Tell us in a comment.
  5. Better blog posts: Read 10 Tips For Making Your Blog Posts Easier To Read. Publish a new post incorporating some of these tips and then leave a comment with a link to the post so we can have a look at how you went. What tips did you adopt?

Also feel free to leave any questions you are having (or tips/advice) as well.

How to leave a comment: Scroll down to find the comment box. Write your comment, then enter your name and email address (email addresses are not published). Enter the anti-spam word. Press submit and we will moderate your comment ASAP.

211 thoughts on “Step 3: Publishing Your First Posts

  1. I have never blogged, read blogs, or thought about blogging. I’m doing this course for a class. Three things stuck out to me in the video. I liked the idea that writing helps you “crystallize” your thoughts. The second thing is that most blogs never get read. The third thing is that blogging can be a form of public discourse. In the world of social media that I have observed Facebook and Twitter, I’m not sure I want discourse on my thoughts. I like the idea of using blogs and discussion posts to get my students talking, but I’m not sure I want conversation about my thoughts. It’s a new world.

  2. One thing I learned from the video was that it takes time to gain an audience, you must to do it continuously and try to add some type of humor or video to gain an audience.

  3. I am not a blogging type of person but I am using this school assignment to start writing down my family stories that I grew up listening to before my two uncles pass away and before I totally forget them myself. I am using this assignment to force myself into a blogger but I had to turn it into something that had meaning to me. And in my family we grew up with a lot of funny family stories of stuff that happened and want my family generations after me to know our stories. We even have funny cat and dog family dinner fiasco situations that I want to make sure I get down. Since blogging can be public I have made a point of password protecting all of my posts to keep my blogging experience for family only.

  4. The one tip that really resonated with me was the reminder that the blog is a public medium – this means you can receive positive feedback and comments, but it could also mean opposing viewpoints, and one should be aware of possible disagreement. I want to be mindful to post facts and supplemental/supportive information and steer away from controversial/opinion pieces (unless passing along information). My first post was about eye health in regards to screen time (https://napier7997.edublogs.org/)

    My biggest obstacle has been really envisioning what I want to say in my blog and how to want to piece it together. I know I want a vibrant and relevant blog, I’m just a little unsure where to begin. I want my style to be inviting, supportive and relatable. I am a teacher and a mother, so I understand the pressures, stress and responsibilities from all arenas of school life.

  5. I love how Steve Wheeler described blogging as a “public un-choreographed discourse.” Prior to this course, I felt a lot of pressure about taking the leap to compose my first post. As a perfectionist, I am always quite critical of my work and that tends to make me apprehensive about sharing it to the world. With the tips outline in this tutorial, I felt confident that my introductory post had a grabbing title and short paragraphs to keep the readers attention. In future posts, I will explore the use of heading and media to enhance the content. Here is a link to my first post: https://mrskburnett.edublogs.org/2020/07/10/what-does-it-mean-to-pivot/

  6. I was reading one of my teacher resource types of books last summer and it talked about blogging and the author said why not try it. I have been thinking about this for some time. I enjoy reading teacher blogs and subscribe to a number of them. I decided it’s time to take the plunge and give it a try. I feel my blog will be a combination of thoughts, professional practices, how to’s and resources. I also want to teach my students to blog but feel I need to try it as well. This class has been great so far laying the foundation for me.

  7. Blogging is not something I ever considered doing. Now I have to for a course I am taking. I’m glad the assignment has very specific information to include, otherwise, I would be at a loss for ideas. If I were to stick to what I know, it would likely be math or technology-related. At my school, I already provide technical tips to my colleagues. I could generate that in a blog form. The focus of my blog would most likely be sharing tips or resources.

  8. I want to blog mostly about teaching resources… just a place to put all the great ideas together that I find!

    1. Blogging is a great way to express yourself while making new connections with interesting people. Good luck with your new blog!

  9. Thank you for helping me to pause and think about why I am doing a blog. Yes, it is an assignment for my school librarian coursework. However, I am always talking about how I want to be more reflective in my teaching practice. As a new school librarian, this blog will be an effective tool for sharing my thoughts, challenges, new ideas, etc.

  10. I feel like my blog will be more thoughts and wandering ideas than a streamlined focused set of deliberate practices or resources.

  11. I do think there will be some of the professional thoughts included in our blog posts as we are collaborating with other organizations on campus, artists, writers, photographers and bloggers on our blog! We are thinking about asking them for there contents and then post them on our bog so it will be a mixture of all kinds of different contents from people of various backgrounds.

  12. I did my first post about a science project that me and my partner worked on to present to students.

  13. I created a post about a science project that i did with a partner for my early childhood class. We were supposed to present them to a group of students but weren’t able to due to weather conditions. The presentation was still successful as we got to present to our peers. It was an enjoyable activity to do! Please feel free to visit my link below to read about my science presentation!


  14. 1) Steve mentioned that blogging clarifies your thinking. I find this to be true and I feel that writing is an outlet for me, so I’m glad that my grad class has assigned a blog!

    2) Sacha’s slide show mentioned that having no time was an obstacle. I’m completely guilty of that. Now, however, since I am required to write blogs for my class, I have to find the time, and now, maybe I’ll find that I enjoy it and want to keep it going.

    3) My first post talked about technology inequalities across our school district and it can be found here: http://cramerm.edublogs.org/2019/01/31/tech-inequalities/

    4) I think my blog will be #reallife in the classroom. I’m so jaded by all the curated posts on IG and FB and other teachers (and especially new teachers!) need to know that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows in the trenches!

    5) I messed with the font and size and I’m not sure if I like it any better. There is something still wrong, and maybe it’s my template not allowing for more to show up across the page, or maybe it is a line spacing issue. Anyway, I also used a picture and bullet points. Find it here: http://cramerm.edublogs.org/2019/02/05/back-to-the-dark-ages/

    1. Some great reflections here, cramerm!

      Great idea keeping your blog real too. I’m sure new and experienced teachers alike will appreciate that.

      I love the title of your blog and the Toondoo is a nice touch! Here’s a tip if you edit the image and make it link to the media file, people will be able to click on it to take a closer look.

      Keep up your great work!
      Kathleen Morris
      Edublogs Community Manager

  15. Here is a link to my first post (About Me) http://leemayes.edublogs.org/who-is-mr-lee/. After writing this post and revisiting the information on this page, I have learnt that I really have a long way to go and need to get into good early habits of refraining from long paragraphs. This weekend I intend on following the rules set out in the ’10 Tips For Making Your Blog Posts Easier To Read’ article.

  16. Hello,

    For step 3, I decided to write my very first post. I wrote about the science activity that I presented with my partner. For class, my classmates and I were given a science topic and had to come up with an activity for a group of second graders. Unfortunately we were unable to teacher our activity to the group of second graders, so we presented it in class to each other. I really enjoyed seeing all of the science activities, so I enjoyed writing this post. Here is the link for it. Today I will be working on finishing up my second post. I’m still struggling with what to write about for this post. Hope you enjoy my first post.


  17. I greatly enjoyed Steve’s advice for beginning a blog. His comment about the the fact that you aren’t going to have a huge following immediately was timely, as I had just talked about that with a friend who was also beginning a blog.

    Sacha’s comment about being unsure of one’s self when writing jumped out at me..My biggest obstacle is to write, prefect, then post…because while it may not be perfect…it gets the brain muscles moving in the right direction…practice makes perfect!


    my first post…lol from before I started this course with some edits after reading through this section!

    My blog post will absolutely contain a mixture of things, since it began as a class assignment and has morphed into something more as I want to hone and fine tune it.

    Blog tips.. I attempted to figure out widgets…will have to wait until I get approved for Pro? I did access the Toggle bar and changed the color of the font, added numbered bullets and wrote a bit about what I wanted to learn in the future.

    1. Hi Jennifer,

      Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I recently heard someone say that it’s a good thing that you usually don’t have much of an audience when you begin because it gives you breathing room to figure things out. As you said, practice makes perfect!

      Sometimes you just have to not worry about the lack of audience and know that it will come in time if you’re consistent.

      Your post looks great and I can see you’ve used numbered lists, colour, link etc. Great start!

      I can see your blog is now Pro so you should be fine to try embedding etc.

      Good luck!

      Kathleen Morris
      Edublogs Community Manager

  18. I want my blog to function as a way to reflect on my practice and talk about/process what I’m learning. Most of the time, my biggest obstacles are that I don’t feel like an expert on a topic or simply finding time to blog consistently. I really liked the No Excuses guide. I love how Sacha used a sketchnotes style to share her info and tips. Certainly worth saving! Here is a link to my blog posts http://learnservelead.edublogs.org/blog/

  19. My blog will share geographical news with the students in my school with a view to engage them in wider reading as well as providing contemporary examples that can be used in their work.

    1. Congratulations, Angie! I’m heading over there now to take a look and leave a comment.

      Kathleen Morris
      Edublogs Community Manager

  20. The video stressed the importance of writing consistently to develop readership. The crystallization of thinking happens during writing – Great point!
    Because my blogging tends to be so reflective – about teaching experiences and what I’ve learned from them – and that I want to unpack so much in one blog post, I need to devote a large chunk of time writing. In my current position, this time should (also) be spent writing journal articles. But I am going to try meshing the two by testing some ideas in the blog space and then optimizing the language for journal publications.
    Here is my first post: http://vujaklijavoice.edublogs.org/2019/01/19/understanding-student-perspectives-seis-unpacked/
    In my next blog post, I want to use pictures and color to emphasize my points.

    1. Hi Vujaklija,
      Great work with your first post. It’s amazing how so many educators find it so valuable to write in order to reflect and share their practice. I wonder if this happens in other professions?
      Looking forward to your next post!

        1. That looks great. I love reading posts where they’re really broken up. I find them SO much easier to read. Many people don’t realise even after blogging for years. So you’re off to a good start!

  21. I published a post about the top 10 fiction titles circulated in my library in 2018. I used hyperlinks for each of the titles to our library catalog. I also linked the covers to the catalog record for the book. That’s tip number 5.

    One question. I typed up the list in descending order. When I got to number one, as the most circulated book in 2018, the editor turned that 1. into a numbered list. Does it make a difference if items on a list use the bulleted or numbered formats?

    1. That’s a great post and will certainly be useful to other teachers and librarians.
      Regarding the number one: If you just put your cursor where the 1 is and press Backspace it should get rid of the indent. It doesn’t make a difference if you use the automatic numbered/bulleted lists or if you just write the numbers manually. Let’s know if you need more help with that.

  22. I’d like to use that Steve Wheeler video with my students and colleagues. There’s a lot of good discussion points there.

    My favorite tip from the video is also my excuse: A successful blog has quality content. It takes time to craft content that is well-written, and it’s so much faster to post a tweet or a photo or a status update! But, as Steve Wheeler says, blogging will clarify thinking, and that is extremely valuable.

    I really like the graphic you’ve included with the 10 tips for readability. I’m going to print it out and keep it handy to my computer!

    I’d like to think I’m a good librarian and that I have lots of good practices to share. That’s what I’m planning to include in my blog. One example is our recent Battle of the Books reading initiative I led for the middle school. Setting it all out could help other librarians thinking of setting it up at their schools, but also, it’ll be a good checklist for when planning time comes around next year.

  23. The idea that the more you write, the better you get at writing, blog post or not, is so true. I have written over the last couple of days several blog posts and with each one I write I find a better way to do it and more information that I should include. I haven’t done an about page yet but I need to do one to explain that I am trying to help other teachers by sharing how i choose children’s fiction as a library book, a book to teach reading or a book to teach writing. http://booksforprimaryenglish.edublogs.org/

    1. Thanks for sharing the link to your blog! One tool I’ve found particularly helpful is Grammarly. You can download a free extension to check your writing on any platform. Not sure if that might help you too.
      You have some interesting topics for blog posts! Where do you get your images from?
      Well done making a great start to blogging!

  24. Hello!

    I’ll do the tasks 2 and 4.

    2. I, in particular, have no excuses, as I keep two blogs – one in Blogger and other one in WordPress.com – apart from being started with EduBlogs. However, as a teacher educator in educational technology I would like to put two common expressions of teachers in my country – Brazil – to justify not using blogs, specifically, that I hear in my formations: lack of basic knowledge to configure them and lack of time, since in general they have many classes and assignments. They are two realities, in fact, and the difficulties are not small. But as a possible “solution”, I believe we have to keep in mind that if there is not desire – even if, in fact, there is much difficulty to overcome – and goals to be achieved, we will not be able to improve our classroom performances and out of it. Are these issues raised by me common in other countries as well?

    4. My idea with this blog is to make a mix, that is, news, information, practices, video lessons, discussions, and others. The organization will be done essentially through the menu, whose hierarchy facilitates this kind of task a lot.


    1. When we did a survey of our readers last year, time was identified as the biggest obstacle to blogging. So I bet that is a global concern. I wrote this follow up post about it https://www.theedublogger.com/teachers-finding-time-to-blog/

      I agree with you that it’s very important to prioritize improving ourselves. We can’t really wait around for our school to offer us training or professional development. I think it’s important to always be learning and setting goals!

  25. Too many times, I want to put out a piece of writing that is polished and finished. I do not think about the process and creating conversations around my thoughts to help define them. Steve makes a great point there. Blogging is about the process of sharing. I am reading a book for work called Show Your Work by Austin Kleon. He talks about the same thing. Sharing your process can be just as great as showing the finished product. I completed my first post: http://jetteachestech.edublogs.org/2018/12/18/my-path-to-tech-in-classrooms/

  26. 1. I like Steve Wheeler’s point of enjoying yourself at blogging. Sometimes, blogger’s attention turns to the audience instead of himself/herself.
    2. My excuse has always been “don’t know what to write about”. I will start to record my thoughts and come back to them with blogging when I have time.
    3. http://jennystinehour.edublogs.org/2018/12/14/the-real-monster/
    4. I really like critique-style blogs and book reviews. I think I will be focusing on these two in the future.
    5. http://jennystinehour.edublogs.org/2018/12/15/metamorphosis/
    I organized my paragraphs and added headings.

  27. Video Reflection: I found Steve’s last point – clarifying your thinking through the writing process, and your interactions with others – to be the most useful. His video addresses our most common fears about public speaking/writing, and was most insightful. 🙂

  28. 1. One thing that I learned from the video from Steve is that it is important to continue with your blog to gain an audience. Make sure that you are having fun with it and make posts that make people want to come back to it.
    2. Well to be honest I have never had a blog. My wife used to have a blog as our family journal and I would occasionally post on that, but we switched to something that was less time consuming for her. I guess for me the main thing would be having time in my day to write on a blog and then making sure that the things that I write on a blog are worthy of a post.
    3. http://alansblake.edublogs.org/2018/10/08/reading-resource/ Here is my first blog post. I wrote about a reading resource that I recently learned about in one of my education classes and then used it in the classroom that I am currently working in.
    4. I feel that my post will be a mixture. I enjoy finding humor in most things, so I am sure that I will add jokes or things that I find funny in my school day or my classes that I attend in the evening. I do not think that I would add things from my personal life in to my education blog. I do also think that I would continue to add resources that work for the students that I am currently working with, and include things that maybe are not working as well.
    5. http://alansblake.edublogs.org/2018/10/08/reading-strategy-posters/ I added a link for a free resource in this post. Also made the visual meaningful in the post. The visual shows the reader what they will be getting when they download the poster.

  29. I think that my blog posts will mostly be reflections about activities/lessons/ topics we have done or will do in my classroom. I am finding that knowing I will blog forces me to look at my lesson plans in a different way. I am now looking for interesting observations or “a -ha” moments in my classroom.

  30. I just received an error message that reads “Sorry, I’m afraid you’ve posted again too quickly. We limit the time between posts to prevent automatic posting by spam robots…” Does anyone know what the exact amount of time I have to wait between publishing posts/pages?

  31. Kathleen,

    Blog: http://trivediziemba.edublogs.org/
    Twitter Handle: @TrivediZiemba

    I am using Big Brother theme for my blog http://trivediziemba.edublogs.org/

    I was trying to embed Symbaloo video to one of my posts following steps in https://help.edublogs.org/symbaloo/

    Step 5 directions are “Insert Embed Code”. BUT this choice is not available when I try.
    Am I making an error? Does Big Brother Theme allow for Embeding code? Would I have to upgrade to Pro?

    Thank You.

    Mrs. Trivedi-Ziemba

    1. Hi Purviben,

      I have just found you on Twitter. I am @kathleen_morris

      Unfortunately, you won’t be able to embed the code on a free blog. We aren’t able to allow embedding on free blogs for security reasons.

      You can check out everything you can do with your free blog here http://edublogs.org/features/ If you have more questions, feel free to email support@edublogs.org too.

      Thanks for getting involved,

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