Free Courses OnBlogging and EdTech

Student working on a laptop

Edublogs Courses

Students surrounding a laptop

Blogging With Students

This course guides you step-by-step through the process of setting up a class blog and blogging with your students.

Student working on a laptop on a lawn

Personal Blogging

There are so many benefits of blogging for teachers! Learn how to create your own personal/professional educator blog.

Blue pins with zig zagging string

Building Your PLN

A Personal/Professsional Learning Network (PLN) can help you connect and learn from others. This course shows you how to get started to build connections using X, hashtags, blogs and curation tools!

Hands surrounding coloured cogs

Blogging Bootcamp

Our self-paced course is designed specifically for your students, guiding them step-by-step through the process of setting up and using their blog. Ideal for both primary and secondary students.


Profile picture of Theo

Theo Selby

High school English teacher, New Hampshire, USA

This has been a great opportunity for me. I would have never been able to set up a blog in less than a month if I didn’t have this course. I will be forever grateful!

Profile picture of Carly

Carly Black

Middle School Teacher Ashland, Ohio

…blogging has been the best way for me to teach writing in my grade 8 ELA classes. I’m completely sold on this practice and hope to continue learning and adding new ways of utilizing blogs for my students.

Profile picture of Josianne

Josianne Fitzgerald

School librarian, Cairo American College

I’d lost my blogging mojo to the short-and-sweetness of Twitter and Facebook in the last few years. The Personal Blogging course reminded me of how useful blogging is for reflection and documentation of my personal practice. It’s well laid out and easy to complete.

Profile picture of Tracy

Tracy Vogelgesang

Elementary teacher, Western Wayne Elementary School, Indiana, USA

I have created blogs for my students to use, but I never blogged for myself. However, it has been a dream to start and maintain a personal blog. I have learned so much from your course. I appreciate this opportunity.

Profile picture of Lee

Lee Mayes

Physical Education Specialist, Nanjing International School

Excellent course which I recommend to both new and experienced bloggers! Learning about this fantastic course has reignited my passion to spread my message to the world about the importance of Physical Education for our youth. I will recommend this course to everyone who even mentions the word blog.

Profile picture of Debra

Debra Dele Crews

2nd grade teacher, Pleasant Hill Elementary, Lexington, South Carolina

One thing I’ve realized through this is I put building a PLN on the back burner. With everything else that teachers have on their plates, doing something for yourself is “something that can wait”. However, me pushing this off for “later” means I’m missing out on all of the amazing sharing that’s going on!