Congratulations on completing the Edublogs Teacher Challenge!

Display your badge with pride on your blog!

You won’t need to crop or resize the badges as they are 200 pixels in width.

Blogging with Students


HTML code for Blogging With Students

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Teacher Challenge Blogging with Student 2016" width="200" height="200" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2614" /></a>

Personal Blogging


HTML code for Personal Blogging

<a href=""><img title="2016 Edublogs Teacher Challenge" alt="2016 Edublogs Teacher Challenge" src="" width="200" height="200" /></a>

Build A PLN


HTML code for PLN

<a href=""><img title="2016 Edublogs Teacher Challenge" alt="2016 Edublogs Teacher Challenge" src="" width="200" height="200" /></a>

How To Add A Badge

You add your badge to your sidebar as follows:

1. Copy the HTML code for the required badge(s).

2.  Go to Appearance > Widgets in your Dashboard.

3.  Drag and drop a Text Widget into your sidebar.

Add Text Widget

4.  Now just paste your HTML code into the text widget, then click Save and Close.

The alternative option is to save the Badge onto your computer and add it using an Image widget.

20 thoughts on “Teacher Challenge Badges

  1. Thank you very much for providing this learning opportunity! It has been very helpful and introduced me to many new ideas.

  2. Thanks for this great challenge! I have a better idea of how to make the blogging experience more meaningful for my students!

  3. Thank you for this great experience and great learning.
    Despite having some experience with blogs, the Edublogs led me to learn more and be able to improve my websites.
    I hope I can participate in more of your initiatives .
    However, I already tried putting the badge according to your instructions, but the image is not available.
    Can you help me please?

    Sónia Abrantes

    1. Hi Sonia

      Great to hear the Teacher Challenge helped!

      Sorry you had trouble adding the badge to your blog. There was a problem with the code and we fixed the issue last week. Looks like you added the badge before we fixed the problem. I’ve now added the badge to your blog and it is working properly.

      Sue Waters
      Support Manager
      Edublogs | CampusPress

  4. Thank you for the challenge! It was a great opportunity to learn more about effective blogging and provided countless suggestions, tips, and links to widgets and digital tools. I thoroughly enjoyed it and now feel more confident as a blogger.


  5. Thank you very much for organising this challenge and allowing me to be a part of it. I can’t believe how much I have learnt AND how interested I am in learning more!! I know I have been quite slow at working through all the activities and I am still unsure of some, but my goal is to keep going and revisit some of the activities to practice. There are some very interesting things going on in the edublogging world and I hope to become more involved. Your time and patience has been greatly appreciated. I would also like to thank my colleague who has also been a fantastic help! I hope I was supposed to have 2 badges….if not I will remove one. Thank you again!

  6. I also am having trouble with putting on the badge 🙁
    This is by no means a reflection on how much i have learnt through this blogging TPL.
    It has been amazing! My students have been so excited that over the last few months our blog visits have grown and I am feeling like all our learning is being connected and expressed in a new and transparent way.
    Thank you for the confidence boost and encouragement to leap into 21st century learning with my students.

  7. Thank you so much for the great challenges on blogging and ways to connect with other teachers. I have learned so much in a very short time. It was a little overwhelming at times but definitely worth it. I am going to continue learning more about Diigo, classroom 20 and I would like to start digital portfolios with my students. Thanks again!

  8. Thank you so much for organising the challenge. I firstly set up a blog in 2009 and did very little to it. Now I have totally changed it and made it so much better. Hopefully the children will be enthusiased about it too. So far they seem interested and I hope that it can be used for various reasons and tasks. Our system of schools uses Google Docs so I’m hoping to use this to complement those applications, eg I have already set up a Google form as an assessment for last term’s work with one group of children. Now to move on to student blogging in time.

  9. When I visit my blog, I don’t see the badge. At one time, I thought I had a “Class Badge” plugin activated in anticipation of my challenge badge; now, I can’t find it to deactivate it. Is my challenge badge visible to others?
    Thanks so much!

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